version fran¸aise english text

It makes it possible to draw an aerial view of a balanced staircase.

The command uses the "contour" function, see Contour creation

  1. Command "Staircase" from the menu [ CADLO ] - > [ Staircase ] ;

  2. Select all allowed segments of the contour.

  3. Fill up the dialog box with :

    Data input

    the number of risers ;

    the distance from the walkline to the inner side, a zero value involves the application of the Standard (french code) ;

    the rank of the first winder, a zero value lets the program choose ;

    the rank of the last winder, a zero value lets the program choose ;

  4. Indicate the first riser by selecting a segment of contour set ;

  5. The function draws the steps, the walkline.